by compit | Jun 22, 2016 | Company News
About CompTIA CompTIA is the voice of the world’s information technology (IT) industry. What is the IT Business Trustmark? The CompTIA IT Business Trustmark is designed to validate an IT company’s ability to demonstrate sound business practices and provide...
by compit | Jun 20, 2016 | Archived Articles
Hi, I am Alex and I am a career CIT team member!!! having joined the team way back in 2008, before the twins came along (See below)! Working as part of the Thames Valley helpdesk, my working day is never dull!!! We have so many clients that need our help and support...
by compit | Jun 15, 2016 | Archived Articles
We have had some exciting changes at CIT recently and we wanted to formally introduce the Complete I.T. Network Operations Centre… The team consists of James Harris, Team Supervisor who has been with CIT 10 years and specialises in Microsoft products both onsite and...
by compit | Jun 15, 2016 | Archived Articles
A few years ago people were constantly asking, what is the cloud? How will it help me? Why would I move to the cloud? Etc… Whilst those questions are still valid more and more people are able to answer them to some degree, whether talking about business or personal...