A ‘brand’ new look for Complete I.T.

A ‘brand’ new look for Complete I.T.

At the beginning of this year we started looking at our brand and website to ensure it was as user friendly and as reflective of CIT as possible. Following 4 client focus groups and feedback from the team it was decided that it was time to bring our brand and website...
A ‘brand’ new look for Complete I.T.

Summers here…

I hope you have had an exciting and enjoyable start to 2016. Here at CIT we are constantly looking at ways to both improve our relationships with our clients and our service offering. We carried out 4 client focus groups in different regions that proved very...
A ‘brand’ new look for Complete I.T.

Canadian University hit by Ransomware

On the 8th June 2016 the University of Calgary in Canada, had to pay a $20,000 ransom to cyber criminals in order to release their computer systems’ files, after being hit by ransomware. The ransomware installed itself on their machines, taking documents and demanding...
A ‘brand’ new look for Complete I.T.

Avoid Shadow IT With Total Data Protection

Using consumer file sync and share (FSS) services like Dropbox and Box for business purposes is part of a phenomenon that many have described as “shadow IT,” when systems and solutions are used inside an organisation without explicit organisational approval. When...