Complete I.T. Blog

Information Security Webinar – Prevent Your Business Info From Getting Into the Wrong Hands
Did you know that hacking accounts for over half of all recent data breaches? A successful breach means that your business' sensitive data and information is now compromised. Information is everything to a business and often is what makes the business, thus making it...
How to Approach Cyber Security
Having joined Complete I.T. as a Technical Consultant, over 10 years ago; I have been very conscious of the evolution of Cyber Security and the way we think and talk about it. We are not talking of rare occurrences that can be ignored. There is still a feeling that...
The CIT Newsletter: Why Is National Cyber Security Awareness Month Important?
During the month of October, National Cyber Security Awareness Month, we will be sharing a host of educational cyber security related content for you and your teams. Did you know? "46% of UK businesses reported a cyber attack during 2020" "95% of breaches are caused...
How Can You Speed up Processing Outlook Emails With the Spacebar?
The average office worker receives 121 emails a day. Getting through your emails can be a daunting task but you can make it simpler with the Spacebar. Scan emails quickly and delete those you don’t need with the Reading Pane and Spacebar in Outlook. Process emails...
The CIT Newsletter: Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Power BI
This month we take a closer look at Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Power BI and how these business intelligence solutions are helping our clients to connect data sources, automate processes and simplify reporting. The Microsoft Power Platform Make informed...
Why Are There Global Logistic Challenges and How Can Pegasus Opera Help With Landed Costs?
At the beginning of 2021 shipping costs from the Far East had increased significantly over pre-COVID times, but this demand for logistical space has only increased further throughout 2021 and as result the costs have also. What are the logistical challenges around...
What Is a PivotTable and Why Is It Useful?
What is a PivotTable? Within Microsoft Excel, A PivotTable is a table of grouped values that summarises individual items into more of an extensive view. This summary can include sums, averages, or other statistics that the table will group together based on a...
Microsoft Warns of a HTML Evasive and Targeted Phishing Campaign
Phishing techniques change at the same rate that security and protection technologies do - it’s a constant cat and mouse game. What is the HTML targeted phishing campaign? Microsoft have spent a year investigating a new invoice-themed XLS.HTML phishing campaign, a...
How to Train Your Team on Cyber Security
Regularly training your team about cyber security should be a business priority. Cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming more targeted which means you need to be ahead of the game. Help protect your systems and data by educating your team on how to spot...
The CIT Newsletter: Microsoft Power Apps
In this edition, we take a closer look at Microsoft Power Apps. Microsoft Power Apps gives you the ability to turn your ideas into smart and simple apps. Let your imagination go wild, create Power Apps that transform the way your team operates and improve the quality...
What Qualifies as a Data Breach in the Workplace?
What is a data breach? In simple terms, a data breach is related to both accidental and deliberate causes that lead to data being accessed unlawfully, changed or destroyed without permission, lost, stored unsafely or transmitted to people it shouldn’t be. Data breach...