Complete I.T. Blog

Should Your Organisation Update to Windows 11?
Back when Windows 10 was released, Microsoft told us that it would be the last major release of Windows and that new features would be added during their 6 month feature pack update cycle. Fast forward to October 2021 and Microsoft released Windows 11, another major...
What Are the Security Risks of Shadow IT and How to Minimise Them
What Is Shadow IT? Simply put, shadow IT refers to any IT related projects or programmes including apps, software, services and devices being used within a business without the knowledge of the IT department. With the increase in use of cloud technology so has the use...
The Two Big Myths in Data Protection
As a leading provider of IT, ERP, Telephony and Cyber Security services to the small and mediums business (SMB) sector I get to speak to a lot of businesses about Information Security and Data Protection. Most businesses in this sector do not have dedicated...
Cyber Security- Secure Your Devices No Matter Where They Are
From phishing emails to malware, cyber threats are evolving rapidly and are not limited to large enterprises. The same methods are used to attack SMEs where business downtime, fines and reputational damage can, at worst, lead to business closure. The facts Up to 88%...
The Growth of E-Commerce and How To Overcome the Operational Challenges
Over the last decade, there has been a progressive increase in the percentage of sales made through online channels versus traditional retail and with the global pandemic of 2020, this has only accelerated this further, with it now representing over 30%. Source: ONS...
Excel Education: Our Video Tutorials To Help You With Microsoft Excel
Complete I.T. have a growing series of Excel Education videos. Short tutorials covering how to get the most out of Microsoft Excel, quickly and easily. Microsoft Excel plays a key part across many functions within a business and can be used to pull in various pieces...
The CIT Newsletter: Hosted Telephony, Impersonation Scams and the Cloud
In this edition, we discuss Complete Hosted Telephony, how to stay safe from impersonation scams and test your knowledge on the cloud. Learn more about Complete Telephony This short video explains what Complete Telephony is and how it could help you to ensure you are...
Don’t Fall Victim to an Impersonation Scam!
So, what is an impersonation scam? With so many different scams out there nowadays it can be difficult to keep a track of them but this is a particularly nasty one to watch out for as they often use a voice of authority to coerce their victims and leave them feeling...
Do You Know How Secure Your Suppliers Are?
Written by Harshini Carey, Information Security Specialist at PGI Warnings about emerging and increasingly sophisticated cyber threats are now a daily occurrence, but one particular threat vector which has consistently surfaced throughout 2020/2021 is the growing...
Cloud Quiz: How Much Do You Know About the Cloud?
Take the quiz! Take our short true or false quiz to see how much you know about the cloud.Learn more about cloud-based remote working solutions. Learn more about hosted telephony.If you would like to speak with one of our technical experts, get in touch today!
What Is Business Intelligence and Why Is It Important?
Business intelligence is the process of analysing current and historical data with the objective of improving decision-making and competitive advantage. We all deal with data daily and often but trying to make sense of all the data that we process can be a complex and...