Installing the latest software and app updates is vital to keep you and your data secure. They contain important security updates which help protect your devices from cyber criminals.
A few minutes of your time could save you a lot of money, time and prevent unnecessary stress in the long run. Usually, these updates will pop up on your mobile, computer or tablets so you don’t even need to remember to do it. Simple and easy, you’ll just have to click a button.
Not updating the latest software and updates leaves you vulnerable as cyber criminals use weaknesses in software and apps to attack and infiltrate your device/s to then steal your identity. The purpose of updates is to fix these weaknesses to prevent the criminals from gaining access.
To make things even better, you can schedule these updates, for example at the end of the working day or when you are going to sleep so the update doesn’t interfere with anything you are working on. There is no fear that it will conflict with your productive working day.
With a click of a button, whilst you are connected to your Wi-Fi these updates will help you keep safe so please do not ignore update messages. Don’t snooze the update message (for a long period of time) or you will lose.