Complete End User Education

Your team have a critical role to play in your organisation’s security

Cyber Security Education for SMEs

End user education around cyber security is an inexpensive way to enhance your approach to securing your organisations systems and data, but it must be done well. The information needs to be relayed in a way that the whole team can understand.

With many organisations encouraging teams to work remotely, and a future where flexible working is likely to be much more common, You need to ensure your teams are aware of the threats that cyber criminals pose, with the ability to turn to a colleague to ask for advice being removed, continued professional development and knowledge sharing should be encouraged.

The Complete Training Portal has key content for every aspect of your business, from cyber security, Microsoft 365 to mental health in the workplace, management skills, sales and customer care training.

The Complete Training Portal supports all of your training needs in one place with one login that can be accessed anywhere, anytime on any device.

End User Education

Working from home or furloughed

Whether you are adjusting to working from home full time or you have been furloughed due to coronavirus, one thing you can focus on is your personal development.

End User Education

Subjects Covered in the Complete Training Portal include

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft 365
  • Windows 10
  • Leadership and Management
  • Customer Care
  • All About Selling
  • Mental Health in the workplace
  • Cyber Security

It could not be simpler. We are offering our clients 25 free licences for your teams to take full advantage of the portal. There is no limit on the number of short 3-minute courses your team can take.

The Complete Training Portal

As a valued Complete I.T. client we would like to offer you access to our Complete Training portal, your teams will be able to view short 3 minute training videos on everything from Cyber Security to Mental Health in the Workplace.

Speak to your Account Manager, Technical Consultant or Contact Us today to discuss further.

A quick look at what Teams can do for you

A Quick Look at What Teams can do for you

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