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Why Should SMEs Get Cyber Essentials Plus Certified?

by | Nov 16, 2020 | Cyber Security

Why Should SMEs Get Cyber Essentials Plus Certified?

Cyber Essentials is a government backed scheme which helps you to protect your organisation against cyber attacks. Cyber crimes come in many forms and it’s important you are taking action to help protect your organisation.

The certification is split into 2 levels, Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus.

Cyber Essentials is a self-assessment option that allows you to identify and prevent the most common attacks yourself, whereas the Cyber Essentials Plus option is a more in-depth and rigorous process, carrying great value and trustworthiness to your business.


Why is Cyber Essentials important?

Cyber crime is everywhere, which is why it is vital that you know how your business protects your crucial systems against it and how your business would react in the midst of an attack. If you suffered a ransomware attack after clicking on a phishing email, could you bounce back? What implications would it have? Is your data safe? Could you continue to operate?

Getting Cyber Essentials certified will help you to:

  • Identify your organisation’s cyber security level, knowing your strengths and what areas you could improve
  • Demonstrates to customers, clients and prospects alike that you take cyber security seriously and are taking steps to protect your business and keep data safe


Why Should SMEs Get Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

Findings from the National Cyber Security Centre suggest “Certified organisations are more likely than their non-certified counterparts to be: Aware of the risks posed by cyber-attacks (including at a senior level) and confident that they are protected from these attacks.”

Having a better understanding of cyber threats will make you more aware and therefore will help keep you safe from them, which is why educating your team about Cyber Security is so important.

Things to consider before taking the certification:

How can we help?

We have a wealth of IT expertise, especially in Cyber Security Support and can help you get your organisation up to scratch. We understand what is needed to ensure your business is secure and can help you  to become Cyber Essentials Certified.

Chat with us today to discuss the Cyber Essentials certification.


Discover how we can help get your organisation Cyber Essentials certified. 


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